Participants at Goldie Hawn‘s charity gala got front row seats for a unique performance… watching as a comedian Martijn Kort And Kate Hudson performed a duet.
MindUP – Goldie’s charity aimed at supporting children’s mental health and preventing suicide – held its 20th anniversary gala on Saturday evening called “Goldie’s Love In” where Short and Hudson showed off their pipes to the crowd.
After a few jokes about Kate’s leggy ensemble, Martin starts the band up… jumping around like a giddy schoolboy before belting out the opening notes from his ears. Frank Sinatra“The lady is a vagabond.”
After their duet, Martin let Kate take the stage solo – which she recently did an album outfinally — where she sang a few original songs… before closing with an ode to Tina Turner. Watch the clip to the end to see everything.
While Goldie even led the whole thing beautifully, she also took some time for herself with her longtime partner, Kurt Russell …who slowly danced with his other half later that evening.
Although they’re not married, the two have been together for over 40 years… and the flirty energy between them is still evident when you watch the clip.
However, that doesn’t mean things didn’t get a little controversial between the two during the auction portion of the evening… as KR and GH went after the same item.
The couple bid back and forth on a $100,000 line of credit with private jet company Bajit, with Goldie ultimately taking it for $135,000. Listen to her talk to her accountant at the event…it looks like she’s already thinking about tax season.
Among the other stars in attendance… Demi Moore, Fergie — who we’re told paid $16,000 for an original painting of Mr. Brainwash — Macaulay Culkin, Melanie Griffith, Orlando Bloom, Max Groenveld, Rachel Zoe, Oliver Hudson and much more.
You know what they say… if Hawn throws a gala, it’s definitely Goldie standard.