High food prices were a major problem for the Biden administration. It will be interesting to see if the problem comes up again under the new administration. Here BloombergDiscussing a recent performance against illegal alien beings in Florida:
The law, SB1718, requires companies to use a federal system with the name E-Verify to confirm that every employee can legally work in the US or with fines of $ 1,000 per day. On January 13, Desantis proposed to start the laws further by demanding sheriffs from the province to help federal agents arrest and retain migrants.
There is a shortage of people who are willing to harvest fruit and vegetables known as bending and farmers fear that it will deteriorate if Trump imposes a performance in Florida in America.
“Many people left Florida for Georgia, North, scared,” Dimare said, walking on one of his fields this week. “Farmers had to let their crops rot.”
The article suggests that the removal of employees without papers could lead to fruit and fruit production that moves to other countries, where labor costs are lower:
There is a wave of populism that is currently wiping the world. But as noted in a Previous postPopulists are confronted with some uncomfortable considerations. It is popular to turn off employees without papers. It is popular to set the rates for import. It is popular to implement huge budget deficits. It is popular to have an expansive monetary policy.
So what is not popular? Inflation.
Housing is another area where rising prices have influenced the standard of living. It is also an area where mass expansion could be Impact facility:
The Ministry of Interior Security estimates that there are so many 11 million immigrants without papers In the United States, and about 90% of them are of working age. Moreover, employees without papers account for nearly 14% of the construction work, according to the American Immigration Council, which means that Trump’s deportation plans could hit the sector hard.
Garland explained that if the proposed deportations take place, he expects that the costs of labor and supplies for housing builders would continue to rise, which can reduce the already slender stock of houses.
To be clear: nothing of this means that deporting employees without papers is necessarily a bad idea. There are costs and benefits for almost every policy. But as President Biden discovered with his green energy policy, voters tend to concentrate more on costs than on the benefits. Something to think about.