Home Health Pope Francis is sick with double pneumonia. What does that mean?

Pope Francis is sick with double pneumonia. What does that mean?

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Pope Francis is sick with double pneumonia. What does that mean?

The pope is seriously ill with double pneumonia. What does that mean?

“Double pneumonia,” also known as bilateral pneumonia, means that both lungs are infected. If it is worse, you may hear ‘Multi-Lobar’, which means that multiple parts of your lungs are infected.

In pneumonia, the pulmonary bags where air is exchanged, called alveoli, inflamed and filled with pus and liquid. This can cause your blood oxygen to go down and can cause you to need breathing support of oxygen or, in severe cases, mechanical support on a fan.

Symptoms are usually cough, sputum production, shortness of breath and fever. Pleurisy, or pain when you breathe, is common. Older people may be too weak to have a lot of cough or fever, or just have a new and inexplicable confusion or become less alert.

The pope has underlying lung diseases that increase its risk of pneumonia. He had part of one Long removed for infection in 1957 And an earlier hospitalization for pneumonia in 2023. Pope Francis has asthmatic bronchitis – flexible bronchitis caused by allergies.

The pope also has bronchiectasis, the widening of the bronchi, or tubes that wear air to your lungs. This leads to the pooling of mucosa and increased infections of the bacteria and secretions that are not normally deleted. Many things, including chronic obstructive lung disease, car -immune diseases, immunodeficiency and cystic fibrosis, can cause bronchiectasis.

Treatment for pneumonia

We have no details about the Pope’s antibiotic therapy. Usually the choice of antibiotics is led by growing a sputum monster and testing against a variety of antibiotics to see what the insects will kill that have grown in culture. Some hospitals have newer technologies such as the Biofire Filmarray Pneumonia PanelA bacterial polymerase chain reaction test, which can detect some viruses and atypical organisms such as Mycoplasma. Ideally, you want to use the most specific antibiotic that is possible to limit toxicity and the rise of more resistant bacteria.

A report on the Paus’s progress said: “The drug therapy [that] was strengthened after the multiple infections were diagnosed. “He also receives oxygen through a simple nose cannula. Unfortunately he needed steroids to reduce pneumonia or to help with asthma. Steroids increase blood sugar levels and may require insulin for diabetes. It also contributes to the growth of more difficult organisms such as fungi.

What to expect for the recovery of the pope

The pope was recorded on February 14 in the Gemelli hospital of Rome. He would have a “complex airway infection, involving bacteria, virus and other organisms.” The good news is that he had no bloodstream infection or sepsis, which has a death rate of up to 50%.

The Pope’s doctors indicated that in the past he was not “a non-competitive patient” and was a workaholic. There are also worries, because the pope is overweight and sitting, which can cause weakness and complications. His difficulty in establishing secretions and to clean up his lungs is a special concern

If everything goes well, Pope Franciscus is expected to stay in the hospital for another week.

Prognosis of pneumonia

Pneumonia is serious at any age, but especially for young children or the elderly, who have a weaker immune system. Unlike the birth, this is the most common cause of hospital admissions in the US, with a million hospital admissions and 50,000 deaths.

Pneumonia is the eighth most important cause of death And is the leading infectious cause of death in the United States. Hospital Acquired Pneumonia has a higher death rate than that acquired in the community. Compared to cap, The death rate of HAP was 11.1% versus 5.1% In one study.

While the pope improves, he still has a long way to go. BroadSpectrum antibiotics have countless side effects, including liver inflammation, bone marrow suppression and debilitating (and sometimes fatal) diarrhea of Clostridium difficile.

Ways to reduce your risk of pneumonia

There are a few things that you can easily do to stay healthier. First remain up-to-date about immunisations, including COVID-19, influenza and pneumokokken pneumonia vaccines. The fluphot reduces the risk of subsequent pneumonia by 25-53%. Pneumococcal or Staph pneumonia usually follow the flu. Effective vaccines against pneumococcal pneumonia are available. Please get them!

Influenza and Covid-19 are both viruses in the air, so masking can significantly reduce your risk of infection, especially if you wear an N95, KF94S (S. Korean) or KN95s (Chinese). Look for a reputable dealer and leather How to spot fake masks that are not protective.

If you get sick, especially if you are the elderly, or if you notice a family member with deteriorating shortness of breath, fever or low body temperature or confusion, look for medical care immediately.

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