Home Entertainment Terrified teenagers from Louisiana spot ‘Bigfoot’ with ‘glowing eyes’ in the woods

Terrified teenagers from Louisiana spot ‘Bigfoot’ with ‘glowing eyes’ in the woods

by trpliquidation
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Terrified teenagers from Louisiana spot 'Bigfoot' with 'glowing eyes' in the woods

In October 2023, a man and his wife took a photo of what they believe to be Bigfoot while walking around Colorado in broad daylight during a romantic getaway.

Shannon And Stetson Parker were part of a sightseeing tour on the railroad between Durango and Silverton in the state park, where they were able to take a photo of the alleged creature.

The Sasquatch is described as a large ape-like creature with human-like posture and features. It has roots in Native American folklore and has been reported by European settlers since the 19th century.

“Those who claim to have seen Bigfoot have described everything from a large, upright ape to a truly hairy human, sometimes over 8 feet tall and described as powerfully built,” the Washington National Guard wrote in a recent post about the American cryptid.

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