Andrew Lownie – Author of The controversial life of the Duke and Duchess of York – spent four years investigating and writing the book that we have seen, on Andrew’s cash sources, while the duke remains frozen from the royal family about his ties with fallen financier Jeffrey Epstein -Yet there is still somehow locked up in a lodge of 32 rooms Windsor Castle In the United Kingdom.
Lownie said: “After having spent the past four years investigating a biography of the Duke of York, I have always maintained that the real problem is financially and not sexual. Extended column inches are dedicated to his association with Jeffrey Epstein, but there is much less attention to how De Duke has been able to do his extravagant lifestyle.
“This has become an even more urgent question with the debate about whether he can afford to stay in Royal Lodge and recent revelations about his business activities. But still come somewhere nearby Prince Andrew’s Finance, as I have been trying to do for a while, is a loaded and devilish complex activities. “
The writer added his attempts to reveal the truth about Andrew’s money sources, stood against huge stone walls by officials in the heart of the British establishment.
Lownie added: “Andrew’s finances are a long existence Swiss chalet For $ 23 million and the acquisition of a collection of luxury watches, including different Rolexes, pieces from Cartier and a Patek Philippe Watch worth almost $ 200,000. He is also known to have a love for expensive cars, including a $ 300,000 Bentley and a succession of Range Rovers. “