Home Business Shereen Daniels, Founder and MD, HR Rewired

Shereen Daniels, Founder and MD, HR Rewired

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Discover Shereen Daniels, bestselling author and Managing Director of HR rewired, as she discusses her mission to dismantle systemic racism in UK workplaces through innovative practices and insightful leadership.

Shereen Daniels is a bestselling author of The Anti-Racist Organization: Dismantling Systemic Racism in the Workplace, a three-time LinkedIn Top Voice, and a former winner of HR Most Influential Thinker.

As Managing Director of the award-winning HR consultancy firm HR rewiredshe is committed to driving meaningful change within organizations.

HR rewired excels in ensuring racial equity and helps public, private and nonprofit organizations assess the impact of their practices on marginalized employee groups. Their work focuses on both the inner effects – how corporate culture affects employees – and the outer effects on social equity and stakeholder perceptions. Using proprietary methodology and diagnostic tools developed in collaboration with experts in anti-racism, ESG, human rights and sustainability, the company conducts comprehensive racial equity risk assessments to identify and reduce racism, bias and discrimination.

Additionally, Shereen serves as chairman of the African Diaspora Economic Inclusion Foundationfurthering its commitment to inclusivity and equality.

In this Q&A, we dive into her inspiring journey and vision for a more equitable workplace.

What was the inspiration behind HR rewired?

The origins of HR rewired, a company dedicated to transforming the experiences of employees most affected by racism, bias and discrimination, have their roots in both my personal and business experience. The harrowing events surrounding the murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd and the subsequent social protests were pivotal moments that sparked my journey.

In May 2020, I recorded a 20-minute video on my mobile phone in my bedroom talking about my experiences as a black woman dealing with the discomfort around race and racism in Britain. What started as a single, raw and honest video quickly grew into a YouTube series. One video turned into five, then ten, and soon I found myself recording for a hundred consecutive days.

My videos were regularly re-shared on social media, which caught the attention of Forbes and led to my recognition as a LinkedIn influencer, with over 100,000 followers. This new platform resulted in CEOs and founders of global brands and household names asking for my support and guidance.

In addition to the 2022 publication of my best-selling book The Anti-Racist Organization: Dismantling Systemic Racism in the Workplace, my company has supported brands from Google to Wagamama’s, De Beers to Vodafone, as well as non-profits such as Prostate Cancer, YMCA, Duke of Edinburgh to help develop their workplace culture so that it works for the many, not just the dominant few.

Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently?

My strong personal brand has a major impact on the success of my business, a double-edged sword that brings both opportunities and challenges. While people naturally buy from people they trust, especially in a small business, this often means embodying the business until it grows large enough to develop its own identity. You are the company in the eyes of your customers, and it can be difficult to navigate as you try to scale and bring on new senior team members.

Looking back on my journey, I wish I had been more aware of how much I wanted my business to rely on my brand. This would have allowed me to make slightly different marketing choices, for example when it came to HR rewired. The company’s brand was at a low ebb, which could make it difficult for me to hire people to take over the management of the company in the future. It’s not a problem now, but I think I should have been more aware of it.

Addressing these challenges required clear role definitions, an understanding of how my personal brand impacts the business, and a strategic repositioning of our products and services to meet market demand. It also required a willingness to take calculated risks and often put my personal feelings aside.

What defines your way of doing business?

An steadfast commitment to making a tangible difference for employees whose racial identity negatively impacts their ability to perform and be accepted at work. My approach is based on core values ​​of honesty, transparency and the courage to say what is necessary, rather than what is most comfortable or palatable.

I believe in running a lifestyle business that fits the way I want to work. I work with clients who are willing to put their discomfort behind them, roll up their sleeves and move from debate to action. This means working with those who not only talk about change, but are also committed to implementing it.

As a former cancer survivor (I had Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 4), I am acutely aware of how stress and burnout can affect the body, but also the need to work in a way that allows one some degree of agency and enables freedom of expression. . That’s why my way of doing business is more about how I want to live my life.

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to be crystal clear about the problem you are solving and make sure it aligns with the problems customers are willing to pay to solve.

Remember that an idea is only as good as its execution; executed is better than perfect. Continually improve your craft and maintain the discipline to build a brand that makes you the undisputed authority in your field.

Embrace the reality that entrepreneurship is filled with often costly challenges and mistakes; failure is part of the process. Be bold in asking for help and humble enough to accept it when it is offered.

It’s also crucial to go beyond the allure of the entrepreneurial title and focus on creating real value that attracts customers. Fall in love with the impact rather than the idea. Recognize the difference between loving the idea of ​​entrepreneurship and running a viable business.

Finally, build a strong support network. The entrepreneurial journey can be lonely, so having people with whom you can exchange ideas, seek support or simply chat is essential to staying sane! Stay true to your values ​​and keep moving forward, while recognizing when it’s time to change.

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