Home Health Breakdancers risk a ‘headspin hole’ caused by repeated headspins, doctors warn

Breakdancers risk a ‘headspin hole’ caused by repeated headspins, doctors warn

by trpliquidation
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Breakdancers risk a 'headspin hole' caused by repeated headspins, doctors warn

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 public domain

Breakdancers may be at risk of developing a condition caused by repeatedly performing a crucial step in their practice and performance – the headspin – doctors warn in the journal BMJ Case Reports.

The condition, also called the ‘headspin hole’ or ‘breakdancing bulge’, is unique to breakdancers and appears as a protruding lump on the scalp, often accompanied by hair loss and tenderness.

Breakdancers are particularly prone to injury due to the complexity and physical demands of the movements, the authors note. Sprains, strains and tendonitis are especially common. Head and brain injuries, including subdural hematomas (buildup of blood between the skull and brain), have also been reported.

Prolonged breakdancing often leads to “breakdancer overuse syndrome,” which includes several conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and swollen and inflamed tendons (tenosynovitis), as well as hair loss and scalp irritation, the authors add.

They treated a man in his early thirties with a growth on his scalp. The man said he had been performing various types of headspin maneuvers for over 19 years.

He practiced his moves five times a week for about 1.5 hours at a time. During these sessions, direct pressure was applied to the top of his head for two to seven minutes.

Despite hair loss and a budding lump on his head, he continued to practice headspins, but was prompted to take action when the lump began to grow much larger and his scalp began to become tender.

A head scan revealed thickening of the skin, tissue and skull around the lump, but no obvious signs of cancer, which was confirmed by a biopsy.

The lump was removed, but the surrounding skin tissue remained thickened. Still, the man was happy with the result and felt able to go out in public again without having to wear a cap.

This report represents only one case and details of only one other case have been published to date, so the findings should be interpreted in this context.

But the authors conclude: “This case underlines the importance of recognizing chronic scalp conditions in breakdancers and suggests that surgical intervention may be an effective treatment.”

More information:
‘Headspin hole’: an overuse injury among breakdancers, BMJ Case Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-261854

Provided by British Medical Journal

Quote: Breakdancers risk ‘headspin hole’ caused by repetitive headspins, doctors warn (2024, October 10) Retrieved October 11, 2024 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-10-breakdancers-headspin-hole-repetitive- headspins. html

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