Atlanta, Georgia – August 6: A picture of the head office of the Center for Disease Control is seen … [+]
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has terminated a successful flu vaccination campaign that trains the public about the efficacy and benefits of flu vaccines, according to a report of NPR. The campaign, which uses infographics by displaying wild animals in addition to more tame animals, aims to promote consciousness about how immunization can help protect individuals against flu.
The webpage has now been archived, although information about the flu vaccination campaign can still be found online. The HHS reportedly revised the campaign and decided that it would not continue, as reported in NPR.
The aim of the campaign is to inform the general public that vaccines still offer the best protection against the common flu. Although vaccines do not necessarily occur flu and individuals can certainly get the flu, even after vaccination, the speed of complications such as lung infection is considerably reduced and the symptoms of flu for those vaccinated are often much milder compared to those who get it, Compared to those who get it. The flu and are not vaccinated.
The removal of this important campaign could not be at a more unimportant time. Flu cases are the highest they have been over the past decade, with at least 29 million flu diseases this season, 370,000 hospital admissions and 16,000 deaths, according to the CDC.
The message also remains indispensable in view of the current outbreak of Texas Mazles, with 58 reported cases. Although most cases have been reported in that non -vaccinated person, at least Four individuals claim that they have received the measles vaccine. The flu vaccination campaign would help people to inform about a common question- why do people who have been vaccinated with measles?
The timely infographic shows that immunization does not necessarily prevent individuals from getting the infection, but rather offer protection and makes symptoms more tame or mild. This critical information is necessary, so the public understands the efficacy of vaccines and why vaccinated patients can still be infected.
The termination of the campaign also comes at a time when thousands of probation workers in the most influential federal health care sectors have been fired, including staff at the HHS, NIH and CDC. As I recently explained in ForbesThese experts in the field of public health are crucial in protecting and protecting health for Americans and individuals around the world. These employees played an important role in conducting groundbreaking research that contributed to discovering healings and vaccines. They have been indispensable in containing fatal infectious diseases, in developing important tests that help us identify various diseases and help in communicating important information about public health, so that we can all remain safe and healthy.
It has only been in the Trump presidency for one month and science and public health are constantly on fire. Foreign help To help fight important diseases such as malaria, TB and HIV are limited. Trump’s Secretary for Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been confirmed by the Senate, a well-known vaccine skeptic who has repeatedly spread wrong information that causes vaccines autism. And now essential information about public health is purchased from websites, which threatens the ability of the public to understand public health and to make important informed decisions about vaccines.
2025 represents a time of enormous challenges for public health, of threats of bird flu, to the common flu reported by the outbreaks of measles and Ebola all over the world. This is not time to inhibit the brakes on public health. If there is something, the Trump administration must put their foot on the accelerator pedal to ensure that there is enough staff to tackle all these public health problems. If the COVID-19 Pandemie teaches us something, it is that there must be transparency and a wealth of important information that is accessible to everyone, so that people can make decisions to protect themselves and their families.
Nobody will dismiss the health care staff and the purification of Public Health websites.