Celeb Pastor John Gray III
Responds to Marvin Sapps Viral Church Donation application
Pastor to the Stars John Gray III responds to Marvin SappThe viral donation request of the Viral Church – Ushers tell to close the doors until the $ 40,000 cough congregation – and he says that culture and context are crucial.
John tells TMZ … Marvin is a good friend of his and he has seen much worse requests for donation in other churches.

Pastor Gray says he understands why people who were not employed are angry with the way Marvin collected money – everyone in the crowd to ask $ 20 – and he tells us why culture and context are left from the conversation in some favor of optics.
Numerous celebrities follow Pastor Gray … Kourtney Kardashian” Ivanka Trump” Chris Pratt” Russell Wilson And Patrick Schwarzenegger To name just a few … And he tells us that his church makes offers where they put money in and tell worshipers to take what they need to pay bills.

John says that is what churches should do, but he says that fundraising is still a large part of many churches and he is not going to bashes Marvin like many people do.