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Hello! There is one 2.3% chance That a 300-foot-wide space stone will hit the earth in 2032, which frankly seems to be an event with a higher likelihood than the Chicago Bulls will once again be good in my life. Send your apocalyptic (and optimistic) thoughts here: [email protected].
Where the lawsuit of the UnitedHealth class Action stands is
“I knew from the moment I saw him, he was just the love of my life,” Mary Marfisee told me about her deceased husband, Frank Perry.
Perry died for only two months last September before his 91st birthday after a few years of falls and insufficiently rehabilitating care, his body had a deconditioned. Perry had a UnitedHealthCare Medicare Advantage plan, of which Marfisee said she used artificial intelligence to reduce his nursing home, often before he could fully walk.
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