Home Lifestyle How to calm and overcome: 12 powerful self -help tips

How to calm and overcome: 12 powerful self -help tips

by trpliquidation
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A woman breathing and finding inner peace by the ocean.

Today I want to share 12 tips that have been really useful for me to calm my fear in daily life.

Because if you are something like me, you have been there often.

You are in a waiting room. Or just wait somewhere.

It will start soon.

Your leg starts shaking nervously. Your hands start to sweat and maybe your mouth feels a bit dry.

Your thoughts are thrown together, it’s hard to focus and think clearly if you usually do.

Maybe you have an important test at school. A job interview. An appointment with your doctor or dentist.

A date you look forward to, but at the same time you are afraid of fooling yourself.

Whatever it is, it makes you anxious.

Now these are self -help tips for relieving low or average levels of anxiety. They are not intended for anxiety attacks or something so serious.

I know nothing about such things and would recommend that you seek professional help in such situations.

1. Breathe.

Sit down, in a quiet place if possible.

Breathe a little deeper than normal and do it with your belly and not with your chest.

For just a minute or two focus on only the air that goes in and out of your nostrils. Nothing else.

This will calm your mind and body.

And it will bring your attention back to the present moment instead of being lost in obvious scary, future scenarios or bad memories from the past.

2. Get good knowledge.

Do the clouds of uncertainty and vague fears by investigating what you are worried about.

By talking to people who have done what you are going to do or want to do – or by reading what they have written – you can build a more realistic route map with both positives and negatives about how things are likely.

And learn how you can improve in the area that gives you fear.

Research into the best ways to get better in and less nervous when – for example – speaking in public, job interviews or presentations at work or at school.

3. Do a quick training.

I like heavy weights for about 30 minutes when I feel worried, feel stressed or anxious.

I feel both stronger in mind and in the body. It gives in inner tensions and relaxes me.

Others go out for a fast run, walking or cycling trip when they feel anxious.

Find a way to practice that suits you and let you pick these benefits and prevent fear.

4. Focus on something else.

Sometimes it is more useful to simply kill your mind instead of thinking about what your current fear creates.

Especially if you have no control over the situation that causes anxiety, such as a coming appointment with your doctor or the dentist.

So focus your attention somewhere else for a while and charge it with something positive.

View a few episodes of your favorite sit-com or TV series. Browse your favorite feeds on social media. Have a relaxing or cheerful evening with friends.

Do something that takes your thoughts from the situation that causes fear, even if it is only a few hours.

After charging you will not only feel better, but you will also be in a better headspace and on a higher energy level to be able to cope and think the anxious situation.

5. Don’t forget to eat.

If I forget to eat because I am stressed and anxious, then that only tends to worsen my state of mind.

It becomes more difficult to think clearly and negative scenarios appear more easily in my mind.

So even if you don’t feel that the hunger keeps an eye on the clock and if you may be low on fuel.

6. Focus on what you can do.

If you ask yourself questions that make you feel powerless or that things are only getting worse and worse than You remove your personal strength.

Powerful yourself by asking yourself instead:

What is a small thing that I can do to improve this situation today?

Write down that question and brainstorm answer for a few minutes. Then take action on one of the answers you find.

It doesn’t have to be big action, just one small step forward. And when you’re done with it, take another one.

This movement will give you the feeling that you are starting to regain control of your life again, it will at least feel a little more confident and, in my experience, it tends to reduce fear.

7. Ask your worries and fear.

Look at your own past and ask yourself:

How many situations that I have been anxious about in the past have proved exaggerated or that I made a mountain from a Molehill in my mind?

Ask your fear and worries instead of having them roam.

8. Remember: you have dealt with difficult situations in the past.

If you are in the middle of fear and fear on the inside, it is easy to be dragged down with it.

To lose confidence in yourself and your skills.

If that happens, first focus on your breathing to calm and release your mind. Then look at the past for a little strength and trust in what you can do.

This helps me to deal with the fact that I feel powerless to the feeling that I stand on Stevere soil again.

9. Let the feeling come in to let it go.

Sometimes a frightening feeling can feel sticky and vague.

You don’t know exactly where it comes from or what it causes. It can be difficult to get rid of it.

A bit of a strange solution that worked well for me in such situations, this is:

When you feel a negative feeling, leave and accept that feeling. Try not to keep it out. Don’t try to fight it.

Although many of us have learned to do those two things to do negative feelings throughout life.

Instead, this time, just let it inside and observe the feeling in your mind and body without assessing it.

If you let it inside and just observe it for a few minutes, something great happens.

First it can feel uncomfortable and more intense.

But then the feeling loses strength. It weakened.

Often to the point that it just disappears. Or so you can let it go without much effort.

Because when you accept the feeling and let it inside, you stop feeding with more energy (as you would do when you did your best to keep it out or to fight it).

10. Leave it in the light.

When you keep something in you, your head can become an echo room that increases and doubles fear and fear in a situation.

So let it go instead.

Talk to someone who comes close to the situation. Just ventilate to someone who will listen can help you get a more justified view of what is happening.

Or you two can discuss it and help you reclaim your strength by making a small, first plan for How to reduce the fear of this situation By taking a kind of action.

11. Stay in the present moment.

Fear is often a fear of something that you think it will happen in the future.

A way to reduce that fear is to just stay as much as possible with your attention in the present moment.

Maybe you make a small plan in advance to help you, but you choose to treat the situation of fear when it happens.

Instead of spending hours with the imagination and fear of the future and the creation of monsters in your mind.

Breathing technique at the start of this article is one of the best techniques I have found to return to the present moment when you get lost in the future.

One of my favorites you can try is this:

Take 1-2 minutes and only focus on what is right in front of you.

Or around you and on you. See what is right in front of you.

Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the fabric of your clothes. Feel the warmth of the winter sun on your skin.

12. Remember: there is a brand new day tomorrow.

This memory helps me when today or the last week may not have gone so well.

Because there will be a brand new day tomorrow. A day on which you can start again.

A day on which you can take a new step to go to what you want and probably has more luck.

And when it will be easier to see that this difficult time is only temporary and not permanent (even if it can now feel that way).

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