Home Entertainment Josh Brolin admits that sobriety was sparked by the death of his family

Josh Brolin admits that sobriety was sparked by the death of his family

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Josh Brolin admits that sobriety was sparked by the death of his family

While the shocking experience had become “so normal“It ended up having a profound impact on him his sobriety journey.

Brolin explained that he was actually supposed to visit his 99-year-old grandmother — who was “on her deathbed” — when he “woke up on the sidewalk.”

He recalled: ‘I should have picked up my brother and taken him with me, because I was the kind, I was the one in the family who put everything together, structured everything and controlled everything.’

“Anyway, I woke up on the sidewalk and went inside. My brother called me. ‘Where are you?’ I picked him up and ended up walking into that hospital.”

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