Home World News Kid Rock Verbijste Bill Maher with astonishing response to the Kendrick Lamar resting time show

Kid Rock Verbijste Bill Maher with astonishing response to the Kendrick Lamar resting time show

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Kid Rock Verbijste Bill Maher with astonishing response to the Kendrick Lamar resting time show

Bill Maher was visibly stunned on HBO’s “Real Time” on Friday when conservative guest Kid Rock “Respect” expressed rapper Kendrick Lamar and his Super Bowl -Rest time performing and, despite the fact that it was “not my cup of tea”, praised the show Ethos.

“I am so much, this child almost figuratively came out with both middle fingers in the air and did what he does for the people who love what he does, Unapological,” ” Rock told Maher. “And I don’t think he’s giving the fat ass of a frog what someone thinks about it.”

“So I’m going, hey, it’s just about how I built my entire career,” he continued. “I have to respect it.”

Maher, who probably expected that the pronounced Trump voter would have a hugely different opinion about the event, was visibly surprised by Rock’s reaction to the show and replied: “Yes, OK! There we go, a common basis.”

Rock’s reaction can come a shock for those who only know him as the pro-trump rocker used a machine gun in the piles of Bud Light After a transgender influencer endorsed the American beer. But he started his career as a rapper in the nineties.

“I grew up with loving, all things after the hip hop thinking,” Rock told Robert Ritchie, to Maher on Friday. “Breakdancing, djing, graffiti, rap, and so I understand the culture a bit more than most. And when I say the most, I mean white people of course. ‘

Although he did not bashed the half -time set – such as colleague conservatives that the show considered the ‘satanic’ or wondered who ‘this Kendall Lamar’ is – Rock shared his thoughts about diversity, fairness and inclusion within the NFL culture during a second Donald Trump presidency.

Lamar’s half-time show contained predominantly black artists and inherited right-wing experts.

Matt Slocum/Associated Press

Rock argued that Lamar was only chosen to act because the NFL Jay-Z rented as “Live Music Entertainment Strategist” after he had expressed football player Colin Kaepernick for protesting the brutality of the police in 2016.

But Lamar’s show was “the embodiment of dei who solves,” he said.

‘[The] NFL is all this dei, ‘final racism’, all these things, they have booked Jay-Z there and Kendrick Lamar goes outside and dei actually changes into an IED, ‘Rock Maher told. “They are all black people, or people of color, who speak to his crowd in the hood. Black people. It was like, the most exclusive ever. ‘

“I’m so much:” Fuck yes, that’s great, “he added.” I laugh at my ass. “

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