Home Business No “safe levels” when drinking alcohol – DOH

No “safe levels” when drinking alcohol – DOH

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No “safe levels” when drinking alcohol – DOH

The concept of “safe level” of alcohol consumption was debunked by the Department of Health (DOH) as a recent study found that no amount of alcohol consumption is considered safe for health.

“Alcohol itself [being a] psychoactive neurotoxic and even oxidative agent [that can] Causing organ damage is related to diseases and (it has) no safe levels,” said Paul Filomeno, Philippine Addiction Specialists’ Society (Pass), during the Sin Tax Coalition Press Conference on Tuesday.

Mr Filomeno cited the January 2023 World Health Organization (WHO) study which found that half of alcohol-related cancers in the WHO European Region are caused by “light” and “moderate” alcohol consumption.

Ethanol (alcohol) is classified by the WHO as a Group 1 carcinogen, the highest-risk category of substances that can cause cancer, alongside asbestos, radiation and tobacco.

Cumulative and excessive alcohol consumption poses greater risks to other vital organs of the body, Mr. Filomino added.

“As you drink more and more, mas maraming organs yung nadadamay na (organs), especially the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)… the most sensitive diyan yung liver which eventually causes hepatitis… and develops into liver cirrhosis. Marami ring (negative) effect on the heart and also on the brain.[Themoreyoudrinkthemoreorgansareatriskespeciallythegastrointestinaltract)LifeisthemostsusceptibleandeventuallycauseshepatitisandthendevelopsintocirrhosisoftheliverMoreoveralcoholhasnegativeeffectsontheheartandthebrain”explainsMrFilominotolivercirrhosisAlsoalcoholhasnegativeeffectontheheartandbrain”MrFilominoexplained[Naarmatejemeerdrinktlopenmeerorganengevaarvooralhetmaag-darmkanaal)HetlevenishetmeestvatbaarenveroorzaaktuiteindelijkhepatitisenontwikkeltzichvervolgenstotlevercirroseBovendienheeftalcoholnegatieveeffectenophethartendehersenen”legtdeheerFilominouit[AsyoudrinkmoremoreorganswillbeatriskespeciallytheGItract(gastrointestinaltract)liveismostsusceptibleeventuallycausinghepatitisthenprogressestolivercirrhosisAlsoalcoholhasnegativeeffectsontheheartandbrain”MrFilominoexplained

Action to reduce alcohol consumption

The 2021 Global Burden of Diseases Health Metrics survey found that 3.11% of Philippine deaths are alcohol-related, leading to approximately 27,477 Philippine deaths.

To reduce alcohol consumption, DOH, in collaboration with the Sin Tax Coalition, is pushing a bill to increase the price and excise taxes on alcoholic beverages as this proves to be the most cost-effective way to reduce alcohol consumption, DOH said.

“What we need is an increase in the price of alcohol (beverages) by at least 6.5% to 7% per year… And an annual tax increase of 13% to 14%,” says Action for Economic Reforms, budget policy program officer Adolfo Jose A. Montesa explained.

Besides raising the price of alcoholic beverages, Mr Montesa called for banning advertising and sponsorship, especially in the media, as it helps normalize the culture of alcohol consumption in the country, Mr Montesa said.

“The reason why people drink alcohol is not just because of economic factors… But one of the reasons is because of cultural influences… The way our media talks about alcohol or glorifies alcohol is a problem that we need to address,” Mr Montesa continued.Edg Adrian A. Eva

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