According to A report from the New York TimesOn Thursday, the General Services Administration (GSA) removed from the US government De Lepelemoji as an option that users of its video conference platform can choose to express themselves. The move comes one day after employees embraced the digital cutlery To protest against the Trump government “Fork in the way” Dismissal offer.
The e -mail offer, entitled “A fork in the way” -It is exactly how Elon Musk had an e -mail with Twitter -employees entitled shortly after he bought the platform -is a bid for government employees to make their role while while they received payment until September.
The proposal has the anger of federal employees and trade unions directly. On Wednesday, employees of the Technology Transformation Services Division of the GSA reportedly unleash a flood of spoon emojis in the chat that was accompanied by an organization-wide, 600-person video conference with new leader Thomas Shedd, a former Tesla-Enginei. Some have also added a spoon to their weak status as a form of silent protest.