Home Health Study quantifies loss of disabled free years of life of COVID-19 Pandemie

Study quantifies loss of disabled free years of life of COVID-19 Pandemie

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Study quantifies loss of disabled free years of life of COVID-19 Pandemie

Handicapped and disabled-free personal years of life lost per 1,000 population between 35 and 100 in the course of the 2020-2022. Error beams represent 95% uncertainty intervals obtained from Monte Carlo simulation. Credit: Ahmadi-abhari s, et al., 2025, Plos -medicationCC-BY 4.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Among the 289 million adults in 18 European countries, more than 16 million years of life have been lost from 2020 to 2022 because of the COVID-19 Pandemie, according to a study published in the Open-Access Journal Plos -medication By Sara Ahmadi-Arabi from Imperial College London, UK and colleagues.

The direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 Pandemia on both the total lost and disabled-free life years are important for policy institution and allocation of resources, but they have not been thoroughly investigated.

In the new study, researchers integrated data from several sources about the European population aged 35 and older in 2020 to 2022 in a computer model. Rates of diseases, such as cardiovascular (heart) disease and dementia, disability and death were followed and used to estimate the effect of the pandemic.

Many people who died during the pandemia would probably have lived longer if the pandemic had not happened. The study has quantified these ‘lost years’ and discovered that a total of 16.8 million years of lifetime (95% UI 12.0-21.8 million) was lost by the Pandemie in 2020-2022. About 2.3 million years of life were lost in the UK, a similar number in Germany, 3.2 million in Spain, 2.5 million in Poland, 1.8 million in Italy and 1.1 million years of life were lost in France.

More than half of the total lost years of life would have been lived without disabilities and independently if the pandemic was avoided, even in people older than 80.

Of the total lost years of life, 3.6-5.3 million were due to non-known causes of death and related to the indirect impact of the pandemic on mortality. The total lost years of life due to COVID-19 death decreased after 2021, parallel to vaccination election, but which continued to increase in most countries due to unknown deaths. The lost years of disabled lives differed considerably between countries, with a greater loss per head of the population in countries with a lower gross domestic product.

“The findings suggest that the Pandemie socio -economic inequalities in early mortality between countries and broadened sex differences in life expectancy,” say the authors. “The substantial share of the lost lives without disabilities applies an instinctive underestimation of the impact of the pandemic, especially on the older population.”

Dr. Sara ahmadi-abhari, Lead Author of the Study, Adds, “Our Findings Illustrate The Pandemic’s Long-Term Impact, which Extends Beyond Covid-19 Deaths. While Vaccination Played An Important Role To Limit Loss or Lifouou, The Continuou, The Continuoue, The Continuou, The Continuou, The Continuou, The Continuou, The Continuou, The Continuou, The Continuoue, The Continuou, The Continuoue, The Continuoue, The Continuoue, The Continuoue. Highlights The Broader Consequences of the Pandemic, Possible Arising from Disruptions in Health Care.

“The substantial loss in life, in particular more than half would have been lived without disabilities, underlines the critical need for an extensive pandemic readiness program that could offer both immediate and long -term benefits for public health.”

More information:
Sara Ahmadi-Abhari et al, Direct and indirect consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemie on life expectancy and staff lost with and without disability: a systematic analysis for 18 European countries, 2020-2022, Plos -medication (2025). DOI: 10.1371/Journal.pmed.1004541

Provided by Public Library of Science

Quote: Study quantifies loss of disabled-free life years of COVID-19 Pandemic (2025, 11 March) picked up on March 15, 2025 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2025-03-quifies-disability-free years.html

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