Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way: Nothing will ever be ‘adequately financed’. In almost every circumstance, …
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Occupational licensing today directly affects more than one in five workers in the United States—up from one in 20 workers …
In a recent one interview Along with Tyler Cowen, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz stated his opposition to housing deregulation: …
It is often said that international trade has winners and losers. US consumers win when they buy wine imported from …
a report in the New Yorker (and discussed in a NPR marketplace segment) discusses table reservations in restaurants and shows …
I imagine most readers don’t spend much time thinking about the practice of nepotism. In this post I will not …
There’s a thought that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while, and it’s recent after by Scott Sumner …
I often hear people on the right claim that the New York Times is a crappy newspaper. This is not …
Scott Sumner recently had a post discussing this a potential relationship between trade deficits and government debt. In summary, since …
This book is about how the world’s religions acquired this power, what they do with it, and how abuse of …