Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers from season 9 of “Temptation Island”, which now streams on Netflix.
With the latest season of “Temptation Island” now, it is impossible not To have questions. The Reality series, who debuted FOX for the first time in 2001, moved to the US years later and now streamts on Netflix, dropped all 10 episodes on 12 March. The series follows four pairs that are confronted with the ultimate temptation – they all separated, moved to villas with a couple of single people and wondered from far away if their significant others were connected. Then, finally – and after seeing video clips from what their partner had done with the singles during weekly bonfires – they decided whether they should leave the island together, leave or leave with someone who is new.
Here is a quick overview of who chose during the last bonfire:
Ashley and Grant – one of the more hostile bonfires (to begin with) was between Ashley and Grant; After he said He forgot her Because he belittled him and forgave himself for everything he did – that is, having sex with another woman in the shower – Ashley told him that she was relieved that their relationship was over. Grant chose to go alone and started crying when Ashley decided to leave with a new connection, Danny. (Ashley and Grant then shared an emotional hug, which is a healthy step!)
Shanté and Brion – It seemed as if the wildest decisions of the season were when Brion chose not only to have three with two of the singles in his house, but to say in an interview, he did not regret it and thought Shanté would understand. But then it became wilder; After he apologized, Shanté decided to leave the island with him At the end of the season.
Brion Whitley and Shanté Glover
Thanks to Netflix
Tayler and Tyler – Their last bonfire started very emotionally, asked to hug her and told her no. It was intense everywhere, but in the end she decided to go alone. He then chose to leave with another woman with whom he found a band, Kay.
Alexa and Lino – This pair was it least Dramatic for the season, staying faithful to both, staying in love and solidifying that they wanted to be together. Eventually he suggested, and she said yes.
Below executive producers David Goldberg and David Friedman answer all our burning questions. Goldberg is the CEO of Banijay Studios North America, who acquired the series in 2019, while Friedman became a member of the Netflix Run. The series was filmed in May and they still have to film a reunion.
Here they describe why some Bathroom behavior was recorded on the camera and others were not, and where the singles slept when they Was not Sneak into the rooms of the others, how host Mark L. Walberg is just the best.
Let’s start casting. What can you say about that process?
David Friedman: The couples certainly drive this show. That was our focus. We hired a casting company and they brought our tons of couples and options. Finding single people who want to be on a dating show is not that difficult. This clearly has its challenges, and it is a different type of dating show, because you will comment willing at it, knowing that the people you will meet with and / or have a connection with a relationship.
David Goldberg: We always keep open to the couples because they are so important. We are often willing to call in someone at the last minute if we notice that they will be really great, or maybe better than the people we already have. It’s really about the couples and the problems they have in the real world. Many people look at “Temptation Island” and say it is a show that wants to break relationships. We look at it differently and see a show that tests relationships. Couples do not come to “Temptation Island” because everything is great. They arrive because there is a problem and they want to know if it is time for you-know-what or the pot. It is not so much different than mating in real life and say, “I think we should take a break.”
I’m glad you brought that up. I look at a lot of dating shows, some with the goal for a few to get married or to get married or to be engaged … That is not this.
Goldberg: Exactly, we want what happens, that happens. In many cases, people stay together for the wrong reasons and stay in relationships. Look at the divorce percentage in this country, see how many people we should not be together. So this is a targeted, intense and public way to bring your relationship to the test. We want what is best for them. We had a proposal. I don’t think something makes us happier than that, but also, we don’t make that judgment.
Friedman: Daily basis, I talk to the cast, and I think my most important focus with the cast is to say: “Just go the journey.” And something that Mark Walberg drives home better than every host I have ever produced is that we do not know what is good for you. You don’t know what is good for you. That’s why you are here. What we do know is that you have to trust this trip, and you have to admit to the trip. There were many times that I would get a phone call from one of my producers who said, “Hey, so and so want to talk to you.” I would sit with them and they would say to me: ‘I don’t know I can continue. I don’t know if I can handle this. “I would say to them:” There is a reason why you came. You did not come apart, you did not come together to stay together. You came to find out. And so you have to stay true to that dedication. “Ultimately, they only decide what is good – it doesn’t matter what the producers think around them. When Brion and Shanté came together again, certainly, everyone in the truck in the control room shouted at the screen, but it’s not our decision.
Logistics, how long are the bonfires and how often are they?
Friedman: There is no fixed schedule of which night they are. It was a shoot of 17 or 18 days. It was 17 days of production, about three and a half weeks of calendar time because there were days outside for crew and for cast to decompry. We would have a bonfire every few days. Sometimes they were expected, and sometimes they were unexpected, which is goal -oriented. Usually they were every few days.
How far away are the bonfires from the house?
Friedman: One of the houses was closer, only because of the locations they could secure. And one of them was further.
Goldberg: There is one Montoya -Clip that everyone has seen [from “Temptation Island” Spain]. In that situation he seemed to know where he was going. If we do it, they don’t. They could not have run to the other villa. It would have been a marathon. And they have no idea where they are!
Friedman: Ashley said to me at one point – when the bonfire was when she sees what Grant is up to, she said to me earlier – “I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to go. I am going to run.” I said, “Where are you going to run?” “I’m going to jump in the water.” I have something like: “Ok, and what then? We’ll have to help you out of the water!”
Natalie Cruz and Grant Larson
Thanks to Netflix
Where do the singles sleep if they don’t sneak in the rooms of the others?
Friedman: The women slept in a fairly large room, in bunk beds, except on the occasion when Kay was in Tyler’s room and other such visits you saw. In the ladies’ house they actually slept in a guest house that was 60 feet away from the main building. But they all live together, and it is important that the couples have the choice to invite someone to stay, but are not forced to do that.
Okay, I have to talk about it Brion’s bathroom scene Versus Grant’s. Why have we seen it Grant’s bathroom connection But not Brion’s?
Friedman: Not all rooms had the same camera components. Grant’s bathroom had a camera in it. He knew the camera was there. It is not a security camera. He knew exactly where it was, and Natalie too. That is not your question, but I think it’s important. They knew it was there. He spoke about putting a towel over it, what he could have done, we can’t stop him. He didn’t do it. With Brion there was no camera in that bathroom. If there had been a camera in the bathroom, I would have shown similar to what I showed [with Grant]. Now you think you’ve seen everything, but you would have seen more of that subsidy scene – if we were in Spain.
Goldberg: There is a lot on the floor of the cutting room.
You have worked on this format several times, but this is the first time at Netflix. Could you show more? Were there things that you could not show on the US before?
Goldberg: I think there might have been. I don’t think it’s dramatic. There was perhaps more clementia.
Friedman: There are things that you can show on Netflix that you cannot show on TV. We were not asked to fade certain things in G-strings and things like that.
Goldberg: But we didn’t want to make it a porn show either. I don’t think that makes the show better.
Friedman: And to be clear, the reason why the bathroom scene was not shown in its entirety was not Netflix. They don’t censor the show. That was David and I say, as producers, you know what is happening in the shower. We also try to be respectful. We do not want people to feel that our goal is to exploit physical connections that take place in the show. You knew what happened. And you knew what happened to Brion and you didn’t have to see it.
It is clear that they can see the cameras. They also know that they are in a TV program. They are very aware that this is being filmed. But there is a scene of Brion in his doorway and looks around. Is that looking for cameras?
Friedman: At that moment I think he made up the cameras. I do. I have not received a confirmation of that. I never asked him. It was only until the adaptation where I saw that, he stood there in his towel. The only thing in the room is cameras – not producers. He does not look at bodies, no camera operators.
Mark L. Walberg
Thanks to Netflix
Can you talk about the process of determining which clips you should show in the bonfire?
Friedman: It is a constant process. Our producers throw me from moment to moment via WhatsApp. The decision process for me was what I thought it would borrow best for the journey I think they should continue. Sometimes, sometimes show someone a clip of a dance or a twerk, sometimes someone doesn’t respond to that. What the men responded to were the things that the women said about them.
Do you discuss them with Mark in advance?
Friedman: Mark doesn’t know. He doesn’t want me to tell him, so he looks in real time.
Goldberg: Mark is not a recognized psychotherapist, but he has been associated with the show for so long and he is probably qualified to be one.
Friedman: What he does is remarkable. He has no official training in psychotherapy. What he is doing at the time is great, because he looks at a person in their eyes who has just seen a shower scene or whatever, and he asks: “Tell me how you feel.” And he must find out how to deal [the answer].
Goldberg: And sometimes their reactions are not really, in which case he will say: ‘Ok. Tell me now how you really feel. “
Friedman: Emily, were you surprised by one of the results?
Terribly. It is safe to say that Shanté and Brion decide to leave together Was absolutely shocking.
Friedman: And they are still together!
This interview has been edited and condensed.