Home Finance The Conservative Cruel Kids – Econlib

The Conservative Cruel Kids – Econlib

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The Conservative Cruel Kids

A new trend is created in left -wing circles in America that denounce rivals as ‘cruel’. In the US, the Magazine in New York (Nymag) recently entitled a cover entitled ‘The Cruel Kids’ Table,’ Who contained a photo of festive conservatives that apparently, according to the implicit message, would have been bullies in high school. Let alone the photo altered In order not to remove whites and therefore make it racist, the implication was clear: not in accordance with the left was ‘cruel’.

Interestingly, the same phenomenon has also taken place in Argentina for a few years. Several writersPolitical commentatorsAnd politicians President Javier Milei have called ‘Cruel’ and even a ‘villain’. Again, the implication is that Milei clarity embodies and is therefore a danger to Argentinian society because he has come to destroy.

The kaak of ‘cruelty’ has become the new way in which the left Élites Show their moral superiority. But why? What exactly is cruel about a party? Why would a politician with whom someone doesn’t agree? Amazingly enough, left -wing Argentinian magazine Anfibia recently announced That financing was almost used up because of the end of USAID cooperation. “We are a hiding place against cruelty,” said. So how could Trump to dare lower their financing?

The problem with moral superiority from the left is that the track record of cruelty turns, usually terrible. This is a direct consequence of the policy that supports the left, including higher public spending, higher taxes and higher regulations: all these reduce growth, expel investors and cause inflation. In some cases these are problems that the lap causes left does not understand, but in others they seem to be the product of human design. (After all, many left wings ask for Degrowth.) A poorer economy results in a poorer quality of life for most people. How That Not cruel?

In addition to financing cutbacks, the left usually focuses on fired in the public sector in describing the alleged cruelty of their opponents. However, it is generally left -wing policy that the government artificially inflates and grant privileges to those who are part of it, the costs of which are falling on taxpayers. That is, from a classic liberal perspective, unjust and cruel. The fact that a minority of others is less visible than a dismissal does not mean that the first is less realistic.

Certainly, the law sometimes also includes policy that makes everyone poor, and the latest urge for protectionism in the US is a good example of this. But recent efforts to deregulate, on the contrary, have a clear classic liberal root, and that is why the Trump government has followed Milei’s in creating a department (DOG) whose only goal is to deregulate the economy and to release the potential of the private sector. Classic liberals must therefore deny that there is some cruelty to try to prevent the government from being disturbed in the base. On the contrary, they must question the alleged moral superiority of the left.

All in all, classical liberals would do well to prevent the new trend under the left by insisting that it is the policy of those who denounce ‘cruelty’ that cause injustice and economic chaos by privileges, taxes, regulations and not to stop expenditure. Trying to repair them is impossible to be cruel.

Marcos Falcone is the project manager of Fundación Libertad and a regular contribution to Forbes Argentina. His writing has also been published in, among others, the Washington Post, National Review and Rede. He is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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