Home Health What is norovirus and what are its symptoms?

What is norovirus and what are its symptoms?

by trpliquidation
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What is norovirus and what are its symptoms?

Norovirus cases are rising in the US, with 455 outbreaks since early September. More than 90 of these occurred in the first week of December – one of the highest figures reported since registrations started in 2012.

The actual number of outbreaks is likely much higher, as only 14 states contribute to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s “NoroSTAT” reporting system.

Rising disease rates are also reflected in an increasing number of cases positive tests for noroviruswhich the CDC uses to monitor the spread of the disease across the country. These rose sharply from 10.6% in the week ending November 16 to 22.02% in the week ending December 21. High numbers of cases have also been reported in other countries, including the UK.

Typically, about 2,500 outbreaks are reported in the U.S. each year, with the bulk of cases occurring between November and March and peaking in February. Experts say the disease could emerge earlier this year as people interact more easily than they have in years.

What is norovirus?

Also known as ‘stomach flu’, ‘stomach flu’ and ‘winter vomiting disease’, norovirus is a highly contagious seasonal illness that causes gastrointestinal symptoms. In fact, it is responsible for more vomiting, diarrhea and foodborne illness than any other disease in the country.

Norovirus spreads when small particles of infected feces enter the body through the mouth. It is often spread by direct contact with an infected person, touching a contaminated surface (and then the mouth), or by consuming spoiled food or drinks.

In the body, norovirus makes its way to the intestines, where it latches onto the sugars called ‘oligosaccharides’ that line the small intestine. Once it is there, it can inflame the intestines or stomach, leading to serious gastrointestinal diseases.

What are the symptoms of norovirus?

Norovirus commonly causes nausea, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea. It can also lead to certain flu-like symptoms, such as headaches, fever, and body aches. Although it is often called “stomach flu,” it is not caused by the flu virus.

Vomiting and diarrhea can quickly cause dehydration, so people with the disease should try to drink water, even if it is difficult to keep it down. Taking very small, frequent sips of water can make it easier to stay hydrated.

Symptoms appear relatively quickly after exposure to norovirus – usually within about 12 to 48 hours. according to the CDC. They normally end one to three days later. But a person can still spread the disease through their feces for several days after feeling better.

How can I protect myself against norovirus?

The best way to prevent norovirus is to wash hands frequently and thoroughly, especially after using the toilet, changing a baby, or caring for someone with the disease, and before eating. Try not to touch your face as this can bring the virus closer to your mouth.

Keep high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs and countertops, clean and wash clothes and sheets that may be contaminated at a high temperature to kill any lingering viruses.

It’s also important to wash fruits and vegetables before eating them, and to make sure you cook the shellfish thoroughly. The CDC recommends completely avoiding raw shellfish such as oysters, as it can lead to illness and even death.

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