WhatsApp introduced a screenshot lock for Android devices in October 2022. The change went hand in hand with the new feature for sending ‘one-time view messages’ so that no one could use the screenshot feature to bypass the restriction.
Since February this year, the screenshot lock also applies to profile photos. You can no longer take a screenshot of the image in the large view. The change was intended to prevent abuse by scammers or bullies.
This lock now applies to all smartphones, as it is no longer possible to take screenshots on an iPhone. For some users it is already active, but others have been spared until now.
WhatsApp: Three new features now available to everyone
What does the screenshot lock do?
Anyone who tries to tap someone else’s profile picture in WhatsApp and take a screenshot with their smartphone in full view will be blocked by WhatsApp. Screenshots can no longer be taken in this view.
According to WhatsApp, the purpose of this measure is to protect the privacy of users and prevent the misuse of images. While you can still open a profile photo in chat and then take a screenshot of it, the result will only be available in a smaller size and lower quality.
Moreover, photos can still be taken with another device. It is therefore unclear to what extent the lock can actually provide protection.
WhatsApp shows replacement image on iOS
While Android devices won’t take a screenshot and display a “Screenshot cannot be taken due to app restrictions” message, iOS users apparently receive a black image with white text in their gallery.
This informs them that the screenshot has been blocked to protect the person. Apparently, in this case, WhatsApp does not have the option to completely block screenshots and uses this solution.
See also:
This article originally appeared in our sister publication PC WELT and was translated and adapted from German.