WhatsApp makes it easier than ever to stay connected with the latest voice message transcription feature.
The company has announced the global rollout of this update, designed to make voice messaging more accessible and convenient for users.
Voice message transcriptions convert spoken messages into text so that users can read them instead of listening. This feature is especially useful in noisy environments, when you are on the road, or when you receive a long voice note that you cannot play at the moment.
People with hearing problems will also benefit from this feature, as they can now answer voicemail messages without any problems.
The news comes after WhatsApp users experienced a green screen error.
Martyn Casserly/Dominick Tomaszewski
To get started with this new feature (once it’s available), simply open the app and navigate to Settings > Chats > Voice Message Transcriptions.
Then enable the feature and select your preferred transcription language. To transcribe a voice message, long press the message and tap ‘transcribe’.
For those who are skeptical, WhatsApp emphasizes that privacy remains a top priority. Transcripts are generated directly on the user’s device, meaning the messages remain end-to-end encrypted.
Even WhatsApp cannot read or listen to the transcripts, keeping personal messages private.

The feature will initially launch in a limited number of languages, but WhatsApp plans to expand language support in the coming months. The rollout is global and will be available to all users in the coming weeks.
WhatsApp has also hinted at further improvements to the transcription feature to make it even smoother and more intuitive. As the company builds on this experience, users can expect more seamless integration and expanded capabilities.
For now, voice message transcriptions offer a promising solution to a common messaging problem. But let’s not forget that similar features are also offered as standard by Google Pixel phones, as well as Samsung Galaxy phones and iPhones.
Still, die-hard WhatsApp fans can finally use this feature no matter what brand of phone they use.