Home Entertainment Why Nancy Travis is not Tim Allen’s sitcom -woman after the last man who stands

Why Nancy Travis is not Tim Allen’s sitcom -woman after the last man who stands

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Why Nancy Travis is not Tim Allen's sitcom -woman after the last man who stands

Nancy Travis and Tim Allen. Michael Becker / Fox

After playing Tim Allenwife for almost 10 years Last man standingNancy Travis Was excited to try something new when they reunited on ABCs Changes.

During an exclusive interview with US WeeklyTravis broke her guest appearance Changesthat will be broadcast on Wednesday 12 February.

“I received a phone call that there was a part that they wanted me and I think it’s great that they created this relationship with the role of Charlotte. She is not this cliché of a woman or a girlfriend, ‘Teased Travis, 63,. ‘[Instead it is] Like two ships passing by night [with Charlotte and Matt]. They really influence the process of each other’s lives – probably more for Matt. “

Travis liked to share the screen with all, 71, and added: “Charlotte is a catalyst for him. It was nice to play the role of someone who has a shared experience with the character of Tim, which is true in real life. We shared the experience to leave the last man and at the same time my shifting gearbox is a stranger – only someone who meets Matt who can inform his life. “

Last man are where they are now Tim Allen Nancy Travis Lead 095

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Last Man Standing has ended, but the stars of the show, including Tim Allen, Nancy Travis and Kaitlyn Dever, have stayed on our scenes. The Sitcom started at ABC and played all as director of a sports chain in Denver, Colorado. Mike Baxter was a married father of three daughters and a grandfather […]

The Changes Reunion marks the first time that all and Travis will share the screen since ABCs Last man standing. On the Sitcom, which was broadcast from 2011 to 2021, all and Travis played a fictional couple: Mike and Vanessa Baxter.

After Last man standing came to an end, all returned to the comic space with Changeswho premiered last month. The show follows the character of Allen, a widower, while again connecting to his alienated daughter, Riley (Cat). The episode of Wednesday is Valentine’s Day theme, such as Allen’s character Matt Bonds with Charlotte, whom he meets while visiting the grave of his deceased wife.

Last man rankings Nancy Travis does not want to shift his tim Allen's gears Woman Meta
Michael Becker/Fox

“It was great not to play the woman [this time]. It was great. It was really nice to just come in and have a whole wealth of knowledge and report that work with Tim. In terms of comic rhythm, knowing how to get a joke and how to tell a story together, it was great to be able to take that and to apply it to Charlotte, “TRis visited. ‘You wonder how Nancy Travis will return to this Switching display World and I think it’s a unique and smart way in which they designed this. “

Some Last man standing Fans hoped that Travis could be the wife of all on the screen again Us broke the news from her casting. However, Travis is not sure if she would like to recreate a dynamic that has been created so effortlessly Last man standing.

“I like to work with him, but I think it’s fun to explore new and different relationships between characters. It is very meta – can be meta, “she said Us. “I really like what they have made, what a soulmate friend is. Perhaps it is just like the spirit of his ex-wife-Vanessa who comes into the spirit of someone else. But I love the nuances of what they have created with this other relationship. “

Travis would not return to a new return Changes although.

“Tim likes what he is doing and it is almost as if he is the host of a party. But at the same time he is very conscientious and really wants to tell every story that it is in a very influencing way – comical and emotional and truthful, “she explained. “So he is a great scene partner that way. Everyone also has a very great time on the set and it is as if you are at a party. “

While Travis Allen’s first former Costar is to appear, she said Us There was no pressure to appear next to her former TV, and added: “I felt the opposite. I showed up and there was such an inviting and warm feeling to be there. We just had a good time to work together and everyone enjoyed looking at us. It was just a very nice, fun and warm group. “

She concluded: “Even from the other actors I had never worked with before. I just felt that I was part of this show – even though I am not. So that is proof of the people who are part of Switching display – Including Showrunner Michelle further. … Kat Dennings was fantastic by the way. I didn’t really have scenes with her, but only my interactions with her on the set. She is just warm and funny and fantastic. It’s a great show. “

Changes Will be broadcast on ABC Wednesday at 8 p.m. before he streams at Hulu the next day.

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