Have you been struggling with YouTube on your iPhone, Computer or Smart TV lately? Don’t worry, it is almost certainly not you or your internet connection – it is Google’s fault.
A number of YouTube users have been brought to Reddit to report a relegated experience with video streaming. YouTube videos are inexplicably given in default on lower quality settings and fell to 144p.
In such scenarios, switching to a higher streaming quality such as 1080p or (heaven) 4k tends to lead to excessive buffering, or the app sees otherwise to a lower quality.
As Android Authority points out, the problem seems to mainly affect iOS users, as well as those who look at Desktopwebbrowsers and those on the YouTube Smart TV app. Android users seem to be relatively unaffected.
Some have suggested that these problems started to perform about a week ago immediately after an update of the YouTube iOS app.
Apple, YouTube
Google Cops to YouTube problem
Fortunately, Google has now responded to this streaming problem with its popular video service.
On the YouTube support page of Google, a member of the YouTube team of Google “Video and Shorts who play in low quality on iOS” mentioned as a known problem.
Although it is mentioned here as an iOS problem, one of the following symptom diagnoses diagnosis of bulletpoints states that both desktop and smart TVs are also involved.
The Google Rep then ensures its users that the company is investigating and promises to update the support wire “Actively into this” problem when more is known. Stay informed for a (hopefully threatening) app update, in other words.