Home Lifestyle 11 safety tips for dazzling, hazard-free fireworks

11 safety tips for dazzling, hazard-free fireworks

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11 safety tips for dazzling, hazard-free fireworks

Summer is the time for outdoor fun with fireworks, and with Labor Day approaching, countless people are planning demonstrations. If you are among them, following the right safety tips will protect you and your loved ones.

Fireworks may seem like harmless toys, but they pack serious firepower. You’re too smart and have too many goals to waste time becoming a statistic. That’s why you look at these tips. Keep safety top of mind by doing the following.

1. Avoid brown paper

Fireworks come packaged in all kinds of vibrant packaging, but leave those wrapped in plain brown paper alone. They are for professional displays, like you see at the fair. You need the correct licenses and permits from officials to use these – putting them into operation does otherwise against the law in many jurisdictions.

Additionally, be sure to check fire restrictions before lighting your fireworks. Even if generally allowed, the risk of wildfires during dry conditions may prompt local officials to issue a temporary ban.

2. Abandon duds

You light fireworks and it fizzles. Another use of the trusty lighter should suffice, right? Please stop and think twice. There may still be enough spark to ignite and inflate in your hand. If fireworks seem like a dud, place them in a bucket of water to soak used fireworks and leave them there until they are safe to throw away.

3. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand

Your bucket of water is handy, but insufficient for many fires. When lighting fireworks, you should always have a fire extinguisher at hand. A garden hose is also wise, because you can quickly moisten the embers that scatter in the grass.

4. Stay outside

You can only let off fireworks outside, but walking indoors with something in your hand is more common than you think. Place several to avoid accidents coolers of drinks and snacks outside, so guests don’t have to go in and out of the house when they need refreshment. As a bonus, your floors will stay cleaner and you won’t have to ask people to take off their shoes if you’d rather not wear them indoors.

5. Watch your containers

Do not light fireworks in a metal or glass container as the resulting explosion can send shrapnel flying. It can lodge in someone and cause injury or worse. Never carry fireworks in your pocket, even if they are small, fast ones.

6. Keep children at a safe distance

Children have nothing to do with open flames and explosives. However, your little ones will no doubt want to join in on the fun. Some shapes, like new snaps and asterisks, are okay as long as you supervise and take the lighter.

Once your kids reach middle school, they can move on to more advanced fireworks, like cone fountains and ground spinners, but adults should remain in charge of the big show.

7. Light one by one

Although it is tempting to twist the wires of fireworks together, you should not do this. You could cause a serious explosion. Fireworks must always be set off one by one.

8. Go back

Once you light the fireworks, exit Dodge. You should stay at least 35 meters away from ground-based versions and at 50 meters from airborne versions.

9. Wear hearing protection

Fireworks can be loud, scaring pets and people with PTSD. It can also damage your hearing. A pack of earplugs costs less than $10 at almost any hardware store. Those who are sensitive to this may want to invest in hearing protection, such as those worn by professional shooters.

10. Abstain from drugs and alcohol

Certain things require sobriety, including fireworks. Whoever is in charge of the display must remain free of alcohol and drugs, at least until after the grand finale.

11. Learn how to dispose of yourself properly

Fireworks may be disposed of with the waste, but here too you must adhere to the safety rules. Enjoy used fireworks in a bucket of water for hours before wrapping them in plastic and throwing them away. Once you’ve done that, make sure to keep your trash can out of your garage and away from any structures, just in case.

Danger-free and dazzling fireworks shows

The beauty of fireworks makes it worth the risk. Follow these tips for a hazard-free and dazzling presentation that will amaze your guests and create nothing but fond memories.

Author biography

Oscar Collins is editor-in-chief of Modded, where he writes about health and fitness. Follow him on Twitter @TModded for regular updates on his work, and subscribe to Modded Minute for more!

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